Design Services

Design Consultation

A design consultation with The Decor Stylist can address any design dilemma you have. Maybe you want to design multiple rooms or simply just need window treatment or furniture options. Furnishings, layout, decor, window treatments or any other problem areas can be addressed. Perfect for a small or medium scale project that will not include major renovations.


  • 2-HR, 5-HR  and 10-HR Design Consultation Packages available
  • Additional hours can be purchased if needed
  • option to source furniture and accessories through us using our To the Trade Only discount pricing


color palette consultation

A color palette consultation is a great way to define your home’s overall color scheme. We will help you enhance the look of your home by creating a unifying color scheme that flows throughout your house. Whether you want to tackle one or two rooms, your whole interior or your exterior, we tailor this service to your needs with flexible pricing.


  • 2-HR (up to 2 rooms) and 4-HR (up to 4 rooms) Color Palette Consultation Packages available
  • Additional rooms can be added 
  • Please contact us directly for exterior color palette pricing

Design Project Management

The Decor Stylist offers full project management services for your design project. We can help you find and manage the various trades you will need to complete your project. This options is geared toward projects that will require large scale renovations. 


  • Please contact us directly for Design Project Management pricing